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Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusion

Our schools offers inclusive education, which involves identifying and minimising barriers to learning. It ensures that resources are used to enable all children to participate in learning and to be given every opportunity to achieve the highest standards of which they are able. Successful inclusion results in every child feeling safe, confident and happy at school so that they make the best possible progress. We welcome all pupils with disabilities and special educational needs and make reasonable adjustments for the additional support they need.

We aim to ensure inclusion through:

  • Tracking the achievement and well-being of all pupils.
  • Identifying barriers to learning.
  • Developing and deploying resources to best reflect the needs of the children.
  • Supporting children effectively so that barriers to learning are minimised.
  • Working in partnership with specialist outside agencies.
  • Working in partnership with parents.
  • Providing effective training for all staff to ensure high quality teaching for all children in the class.
  • Providing a smooth transition across different phases of a child’s education.

To ensure a smooth transition to school, we gather appropriate information as early as possible from a wide range of sources, including health and social services. We also seek the views of other professionals and parents/carers through meetings and visits to the pupil’s current provision or pre-school settings.

If our school is alerted to the fact that a child may have a difficulty in learning we will collect all relevant information and plan a relevant differentiated curriculum. There is careful recording of children’s special educational needs, targets set and action taken. This is achieved in close consultation with parents. The school encourages children with special educational needs to be involved in decisions and takes account of their views.

As part of the National Special Educational Needs Reform local authorities are required to publish a ‘local offer’ which is intended to provide information about provision available to children with special educational needs and/or disabilities in the local area. Click here to view the website for Surrey's local offer.

Please click here to view our policies page, where you can read our Inclusion Policy, which includes information about our provision for children with special educational needs, disabilities, English as an additional language, children who are classed as pupil premium and children in care.

Please click here to view our SEND information report, which provides parents and carers with information about how we support our pupils with additional needs.

If you should have any SEN related queries, please contact Mrs Duff, our SENDCo, via email using  We aim to respond to all communications within 2 working days.

Who to contact and arrangements for handling complaints
The first point of contact will always be your child’s class teacher.  Further information and support can be obtained from the school office, Inclusion Leader or Heads of Schools.  Staff can be contacted through the school office on 01372 846930 and contact details are also available on our website.

We follow guidance issued by Surrey County Council on handling complaints. Our Complaints Policy and Procedure can be found on the school website under the policies section.