Home Learning Book
The home learning book will provide an optional, additional home learning task for children to complete at home as well as providing a summary of curriculum coverage for the week.
One home learning sticker to go in the book each week.
Home learning sticker to include:
- Brief curriculum coverage for the week (Maths, English and Other), e.g. Maths - Telling the time to quarter past and quarter to.
- One home learning related activity related to curriculum coverage (alternating between subjects).
- Suggested home learning activities, wherever possible, will be open ended and not worksheet based.
Books will be for Years 1 - 6 (CGP books may be used for children in Year 5 and/or Year 6).
Early Years to add home learning suggestion to their Year Group Home Learning Page on the website for Autumn and Spring Term, introducing a book in the Summer Term.
Marking expectation is minimal, tick and a stamp to acknowledge.